Thursday, March 19, 2009

Quick Update / Call for Comments

Hello all,

So, yesterday my buddies and I waved goodbye to beautiful Montezuma and our hotel with the amazing porch view, and took a 5 hour shuttle / roller coaster ride on mostly unpaved roads to Tamarindo, Costa Rica. We'll be hanging out here for a while, surfing, etc. More details to come in a later post. I'm going to keep this short, because it's almost high tide, which means it's time to surf! You can rent a board here for $10 for 24 hrs - pretty good deal.

Anyways, you guys know what I'm up to from everything on this blog, but I'd love to know how things are going back in the states. So, if you have a chance, drop me a line - would love to hear a quick update / gossip / whatever - makes me feel more connected! Or, just comment away on the blog. I got some emails early on saying there were some difficulties commenting (especially for non-google users, I think), so I tweaked the security settings to make it easier to comment. So if you couldn't comment before, you should be able to now.

Ok, anyways, the waves are calling. Talk to you guys later - and hopefully I'll hear from you soon!



  1. well i can't tell you what's going on in the states bc i'm not there! amsterdam was fun; wandered around a lot and got lost. saw van gogh's Starry Night and vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring (that one's in the hague)!
    tomorrow laura and i leave for germany ~ sounds like you've been having a great time; i loved the jump video and the super-ironic "yeeeaaaahh" at the end :)

  2. ps that was lisa not lesliejanks; my blogger ID is lj. whoops!

  3. Adrian,

    Keep up the good work. Shout out from NYC.
