Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I am a liar (plus a general Costa Rica update)

So, in my last post I promised a minimum of one update a day, and then immediately failed to write a post the following day. Whoops. Surprisingly enough, things are extremely busy here, so it's a bit difficult to update the ol' blog. Besides running, scrounging around for meals, and chilling in hammocks, I also have 4 classes each day: spanish (regular class and lab), surfing, and yoga.

Spanish class has beeen great. We basically just chat in Spanish, so I've had a lot of chances to practice and get better. (random note: school is a lot more fun when it's in an open-air classroom with a nice breeze coming through). Additionally, I'm staying with a host family, so I try to practice my Spanish with them. Last night I watched "quien quiere ser un millionario" (who wants to be a millionaire), which was really fun. I was actually able to answer a lot of the questions, except for the Costa-Rican specific ones.

Surfing has been a blast. Most importantly, I still haven't been eaten by a shark, so I consider that to be a huge victory. After 3 classes, I finally graduated to catching waves on my own. It's difficult, and I had a pretty spectacular wipeout, but it's a heck of a lot of fun when it works. Additionally, on the first two days of surfing we went in the evening, so I was able to surf as the sun set. Quite the kodak moment. Unfortunately I don't have a waterproof camera, but I think some of the digital photography students were taking pics, so hopefully I can get my hands on some.

Then, last but not least, I have yoga class. The first class (on Monday) was quite a debacle. I'd gone running that morning, and also had my first surfing class, which was quite exhausting. Yoga started at 7, and I hadn't eatten dinner. Needless to say, it's very hard to be zen when all you can think about is how hungry you are. The Tuesday class was much better - it definitely feels good to stretch out after doing all that running and surfing.

Anyways, that's about all I have for now - time to start getting ready for yoga. I've learned my lesson, so I won't promise an update at a specific time, but I'll try to write one soon. This afternoon we went on a crocodile tour, and I got some pretty sweet pics. I'll try to do a writeup once I get the pics off my camera.

Hasta luego!

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