Monday, May 11, 2009

Chilling in San Juan del Sur

Well, I've been in Nicaragua for about 5 days now, and am having a blast. My first stop was an excellent one - I spent Thursday through Saturday of last week relaxing in San Juan del Sur, a quiet beach town. There wasn't too much to do there, but that was fine by me. Days were spent reading in a hammock, exploring the town, wandering the beach, taking sunset photos, and hanging out with people in the hostel.

Big bonus - everything is way cheaper in Nicaragua! Sodas at a restaurant are only 50 cents (the price of a bottle of soda at a restaurant has served as my general economic indicator - in costa rica they were $1.50 or so, and in Panama they were $0.75 - $1.00). Also, Nicaragua has these great small restaurants where you see the proprietor cooking your meal over a small grill on the sidewalk, and then sit outside and eat an amazingly delicious barbecue meal for $4-$5. Love it.

As always, pictures seem to do a better job then words, so here goes:

artsy shot of the San Juan del Sur beach

San Juan del sur had some fantastic sunsets

volleyball on the beach. I really wanted to jump in and play, but these guys were damn good - I probably would have ended up with a Spaulding tatoo right on my forehead. . .

the giant statue of Jesus which stands on one of the cliffs at the end of the beach and watches over the entire town

there are tons of street dogs in Nicaragua, and they are REALLY good at making you feel guilty if you don't give them food!

who is on surfboard? Dog is on surfboard! How can this be!?!

another artsy shot - cool mini-sand dune on the Maderas beach

1 comment:

  1. The statues of Jesus and the dogs... reminds me of Guatemala a couple years ago. You'll have to let me know if you ever end up in San Paulo la Laguna (although as far as I could tell, there wasn't a lot to do there besides get a cheap hotel room and hang out in a hammock). -Nicole
