Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Adventuring on Fraser Island

Fraser Island is the world's largest sand island, and has been classified as a world heritage site. It has some beautiful freshwater lakes, many stunning vistas, and is home to one of the purest strains of Dingoes. It is also a blast to party / hike / off-road on. Although there are a variety of ways to explore the island (hike, guided tour, etc), the best way (ie, most awesome) for backpackers is a self-guided 4WD tour. Based on some enthusiastic recommendations from some friends who had already toured Australia, I signed up right away.

And that's how last Wednesday I came to find myself loading up a 4WD jeep with tents, mosquito repellent, tents, camp food, and more wine/beer than you could shake a stick at. We were divided into 6 cars of 8, given the aforementioned supplies, a map along with a suggested itinerary, and set free on the island.

Fraser island is barely developed - the inland tracks are few and far between, and calling them "roads" is being a bit generous. "Roller Coaster tracks" would be more accurate. The best "road" on the island is actually the beach. So, we would wait until the tide had gone out, and zip around on the wet sand.

We would spent the day exploring the island, and then in the evening we'd set up camp, cook up dinner, and then break out the wine/beer and spend the evening socializing around the campfire. And by campfire I mean "the place where the campfire would be if they were allowed on the island." We all had a blast, although by the time the trip was over we were all extremely ready for real toilets, beds, and pillows.

As usual, I can't do the adventure justice, so I'll let the pictures speak for themselves:

packing up for the trip - don't forget the goon!

our convoy en route to the ferry to Fraser

dinner's done and the tents are set up - time to party!

Silke and Lucy cook us up an absolutely amazing breakfast

I'm guessing that a version of this picture is going to be sent by every guy on our trip to all their friends to make them jealous. I especially like the shadows of all the guys snapping the picture

catching some air off one of the dunes in Fraser island

our group (Group B!) at the Maheno Shipwreck

settling down for another amazing meal

Dingo!! Dingoes on Fraser Island are purported to be one of the purest strain of dingoes (having not had the opportunity to breed with domestic dogs). They're also a bit on the scary side, since they are descendants from wolves. Definitely made the late-night bathroom breaks a bit more nerve-wracking

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