Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Getting close (too close!) to nature

For the last two nights our group has been staying at Old McDonald's Farm. The name is no lie - it's basically a working farm, and in one area there are a bunch of huge tents we've been staying in. It's very rustic, and puts us quite close to nature.

Two nights ago I discovered exactly how close we were. I was walking back to my tent when I kicked something sharp (I was wearing flip-flops). I was about to turn to my friend and ask her
   1) why did you leave something sharp right outside our tent where it could easily be kicked? That's just mean!!
   2) what the heck did you bring with you on the trip that's sharp?!?

But then I looked down and saw a big ball of quills - I had just kicked a hedgehog!

Important disclaimer for my sister: yes, I know that your hedgehog and I don't get along so well on account of him thinking that I am a delicious snack, but still I harbor no ill intentions to hedgehogs - I promise that this was definitely an accident!!

Don't worry, the story worked out well for everyone: my foot stopped hurting after a bit and I ended up with a great story about the time I kicked a hedgehog. And by the time I got back to the tent for the night the hedgehog had left - no doubt he was regaling his other hedgehog friends with the tale of how he was attacked by a giant land-ape but escaped by balling up until it lost interest. We all came out winners!

Lesson learned: now I'm very careful to shine my light wherever I'm walking.

1 comment:

  1. Adrian! Didn't you learn your lesson with the tumbleweed?
