Thursday, March 11, 2010

Adrian goes A-Stray!

During my first few days in New Zealand I talked to a lot of backpackers to get their suggestions on the best way to travel New Zealand, and the universal opinion seemed to be that the hop-on, hop-off bus tours were they way to go. Basically, you book an itinerary (they have several set routes that cover the North, South, or both islands) based on where you want to go, what you want to see, and how much time you have. The bus then goes through the route, taking you with it. It will stop along the way for scenic lookouts, activities, etc. And then there's the hop-off part: if you ever get to a part you'd like to spend more time at, you just hop off, and then catch the next day's bus (or a bus several days later).

So, on Monday I started my tour with Stray, taking their "Short Max" trip. I picked this path because it hits both islands, and fits my schedule well. (I would e loved to take the Max and hit more of the South Island, but I ran out of time). Before I'd even hopped on the Orange Stray bus (see below) I'd already started chatting with several other travelers. I'm definitely having a blast so far - it's great not to have to constantly be worrying about itineraries, and this bus makes regular stops at neat attractions along the way - way easier than just busing to a town then trying to find activities there!

Another huge bonus about these bus tours is the other people on the bus. It gets exhausting to meet a whole new group of people every few days when hostel-hopping, so it's nice to travel with the same group for a while. I've had a great time meeting all sorts of new people. In fact, I was the only American on the bus! Lots of Germans, and then Scandinavians and Canadians. I've taught the Germans all the important English slang words they didn't learn in school like "sketchy", "frou-frou", "no worries," "dank on the barber" (ok, on that last one I was just messing with them), and in turn they've taught me to say "may I have a beer please", "where is the bar?", and "where is the bathroom?" Now I'm all set for Octoberfest!

The bus tour keeps me pretty busy, but I'll try my best to get a post up at least once a week. Now if you'll excuse me, there iis more adventuring to be had in New Zealand.

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