Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Exploring Mexico City

Although I was in Mexico City for a wedding, that was only one of the 4 days I was there. The rest of the time was spent wandering around, viewing all the sights with my other friends who had flown in.

Mexico city certainly has a lot to offer: we went to the Zocalo (Mexico City's big town square), went to the top of a cathedral, spent an hour on a tour of a castle with the world's most boring tour guide, saw the Diego Rivera murals in the Palacio Nacional (awesome), and hit up several museums.

They day after the wedding we went to the ruins of Teotihuacan, which were pretty amazing. My experience was marred by the fact that I bought a cool blanket for 270 pesos (~$20), and then 15 minutes later my friend Iana bought the same one, for only 150 pesos! ($12). For some reason everyone except me thought this was hi-larious. Luckily, Iana is going to be traveling Mexico with me for the next week, so I'll be sure to have her do the bargaining when I buy any souvenirs.

Pics below, enjoy!

touring Mexico city in style - on an open-top bus!

the obligatory Mariaci band. . .

"los voladores" perform their ancient ritual - although now they're more motivated by tips than cultural / religious reasons. . .

Trinh and Mahmoud have a moment while checking out photos - awwwwwwww

the angel of Independence - this monument was visible from our hotel. Cool!

one of the many colorful vendor carts in Chapultepec park

me at Teotihuacan

Iana and I pose with our identical rugs. Well, identical except for the price paid (I still claim that somehow mine is 120 pesos better)

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