Sunday, May 30, 2010

monkeys and tigers and snakes, oh my!

A couple days ago Dan and I went out to get lunch, and ended up on a tour of all the animal attractions they have in the Chiang Mai area. Unexpected, but very fun. First stop was a monkey circus where we saw a monkey weight-lifter, a monkey who could shoot free-throws better than Shaquille O'Neal (ok, I admit that that's not saying much), and an expert coconut-fetcher, among others.

Next stop was the snake show, where we saw some very crazy traainers who would get far closer than any sane individual would ever voluntarily get to a cobra. We even saw a 4-year-old traine work with a non-venomous (but still vicious) snake - very impressive (and crazy).

The highlight of the trip was definitely Tiger Village, where we got to play with baby tigers! We thought it was really cute when the cubs would nibble on us, but the trainers weren't so happy with that - guess that gets to be a bad habit when the tigers get bigger and "nibbling" would result in a trip to the Emergency Room. We also managed to set aside all common sense and get in a cage with some full grown tigers. It was amazing to be able to see them so close, and since I'm writing this with all limbs still attached I can say I'm very glad I did it.

Pictures below, enjoy!

me with a tiger. . . wait, a what? A TIGER!?!! What are you doing standing there!?! RUNNNN!!!!

awwww - me with a tiger cub. They're much less scary when they're pint-sized. . .

tiger chompin' away on some bamboo. I was quite glad it wasn't my leg. . .

I got to feed a baby monkey!

everyone knew we were posing for a photo except the snake - it thought it was being fed lunch and gave me a good squeeze

now who in the world would want to give a cobra a kiss?!?!Answer: this guy

1 comment:

  1. Hmm -- that last pic looks like it beats computer programming as a career. But bring me home a tiger cub :-)!

    Uncle Dan
